About Me
Hello everyone! My name is AJ Ciampa. Thank you for checking out GP Coach. Scroll down below for some detail about who I am and go to my Services page to see how I can help you with your riding.

I started riding motorcycles when I was 19 years old. It quickly became something I knew would stay with me for the rest of my life. I spent the next couple of decades riding various bikes on the street...commuting, long touring trips...any excuse to hop on two wheels!
Fast forward to 2009 when I decided to do my first track day. I was hooked! My love of the sport quickly became a passion. Track days and racing replaced long rides and commuting. I worked hard to improve, attended YCRS as a student in 2012, followed by two years of private instruction. I craved improvement.
In 2015 the hard work paid off. The owners at N2 Track Days asked me to help out as a Control Rider. Helping other riders improve has become my new passion ever since.
Volunteering as a Control Rider with N2 Track Days since the beginning of the 2015 riding season gave me my first exposure to working with other riders. Through a strong partnership with Yamaha Champions Riding School, I began guest instructing with the school in late 2015 and have continued to work with them ever since.
I also helped develop and currently lead the Advanced Training Program (ATP) at N2 which offers a blend of classroom and track based instruction. You can read more about it here.
I was the first guest instructor at YCRS to achieve a 3C, or Champions Certified Coach certification. I also assist as the liaison to new candidates working their way through the program. You can read more about it here.
I am also one of the first 100 coaches to acquire a level 100 certification through the U.S. Motorcycle Coaching Association. Check out their program here.
We all have room to improve, yes, even me ;-) I see my improvement as not just a way for me to enjoy the sport, but also as a necessity to ensure I am bringing my clients the best possible focus, technique and guidance to help them reach their goals.
On or off the bike, I am always training. Fitness, mental focus, improving my technique...I am constantly looking for ways to improve my riding and my coaching. I set goals for myself just like my clients do and I work on them. But I realize that I cannot do this alone.
I am always working with my fellow instructors at YCRS to re-evaluate my riding. This helps me to identify areas to improve, develop a plan and execute.